How do our eyes develop?

Have you ever wonder while looking into the sky , road , birds , trees , nature , people , faces etc if you were not able to see them what type of lifestyle you would have! We humans are so bankrupt in gratitude that we don’t take out time in our day for thanking the lord who gave  us so much that we don’t even deserve. 


Have you ever wonder how do we see ?

What are the basic changes that occur in the embryo that leads to the development of human eye ? 


I will try to cover all in brief!




  1. General embryology
  2. Basic ocular embryology 
  3. Eye derivatives 
  4. Genetics in eye developments 



General embryology


  • 3 Germinal layers -  Ectoderm , mesoderm , endoderm
  • Ectoderm  give rise to    surface ectoderm,  neuro - ectoderm,  neural crest
  • Mesoderm give rise to mesenchyme ( mesoderm + neural crests)
  • Endoderm - no contribution to ocular development 





  • Formation of zygote 
  • Formation of blastocysts
  • Formation of bilaminar  disc - 2nd wk

       - the two important  layers of cell - epiblast and hypoblast 

        -  the two cavities - amniotic cavity and yolk sac cavity


  • Formation of Trilaminar disc - 3rd wk ( bilaminar disc to trilaminar)  - 

      Formation of 3 layers( ectoderm , mesoderm , endoderm).  - Gastrulation 

  • Neural tube formation 





  • Formation of optic stalk and optic vesicle


Neural plate - thickening-  formation of optic sulcus - formation of optic vesicle


  • Formation of lens vesicle 


Optic vesicle grow - come in contact with surface ectoderm - 

Surface ectoderm thickens - lens placode formation 


  • Formation of optic cup 


          Developing lens invaginate the optic vesicle - margin of optic  

        cup cover the upper and lower part to enclose to lens . 


         Inferior part of lens  not enclosed -  inferior surface of optic stalk- 

        a deficiency or hollow path - CHOROIDAL FISSURE


  • Then there occur changes in mesenchyme 
  • Layer development of ocular structures like retina, lens , cornea , sclera, choroid , cilliary body , vitreous, conjunctiva , the lacrimal  apparatus , extra ocular muscle 




Derivative of the neuroectoderm


  1. Retinal pigment epithelium 
  2. Neurosensory retina 
  3. Neuroglia of optic nerve
  4.  Epithelia of cilliary body and iris
  5. Sphincter and dilator muscle of iris 
  6. Secondary vitreous 


Derivatives of the surface ectoderm 


  1. Lens 
  2. Primary and tertiary vitreous
  3. Epithelium of the cornea , lids , conjunctiva , nasolacrimal drainage apparatus including goblet cells 
  4. Epithelial derivatives : eyelash follicles, Meibomian glands, 

           Lacrimal gland, glands of Krause and Wolfring


Derivatives of the Neural crest


  1. Stroma of cornea , ciliary body , iris , choroid and sclera 
  2. Corneal endothelium
  3. Trabecular meshwork, 
  4. Tenons capsule 
  5. Orbital cartilage, bone adipose and connective tissues.


Derivatives of the mesoderm 


  1. Vascular endothelium 
  2. Temporal portion of the sclera 
  3. Extra ocular muscles 
  4. Skeletal muscles of the eye lids.





Most important genes in eye development:


  1. Master gene - switch for eye development-  

            PAX6 = PAIRED BOX6 


            Mutation of PAX6

  • Coloboma
  • Micropthalmia


  1. Eye ball split into two , the formation of two eyeball



Mutation of SHH


  • Holoprosencephaly



          Hope you have a brief knowledge of embryology of eye now .



















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