Let’s talk about Vision Impairment.




Vision impairment, a global concern which has gained great attention in the realm of eyecare .
Visual impairment in general refers to reduction of visual function i.e., visual acuity,  visual field or contrast sensitivity. Globally it is estimated that atleast 2.2 billion people have visual impairment that could have been prevented or has yet to be addressed .

The leading cause of vision impairment according to WHO is uncorrected refractive error. Management of a patient who is visually impaired is tricky as well as challenging at the same time. It requires a combined use of knowledge and as a part of practicing medicine .  

The most crucial step in understanding the plight of a patient is rapport . Rapport will be helped And facilitated by how the practitioner creates a safe and trusting environment with absolutely no intrusions for the patient. Unless the patient feels a sense of rapport ,they’ll unlikely to be able to work well .

Though there is still a lack of comprehensive  and vivid understanding Of visually impaired people’s perception to broadly identify their needs . Performing all activities like a normal person may not be possible for a visually impaired person.  So the first step towards a partially sighted person Is to have a functional assessment .

It’s done to ascertain the level of vision available to an individual and how he uses it to perform his daily tasks . A pre examination is conducted for people of all age groups in order to improve function through use of devices and adaptive skills .  

The devices prescribed be it optical or non optical are made in order to enhance the residual vision . Same examination is conducted for children as well as adults , the only difference is in the way it has to be done . Effective interventions are available for health promotion, prevention, treatment and rehabilitation to address the entire range of needs associated with eye conditions of visually impaired across the life . 
Vision rehabilitation has also turned out to be effective in improving the functioning . The main incentive is to develop independent living skills of these people ,help them regain self confidence for integrating into the community and become a productive member of the nation through various opportunities of education, vocational training, medical and socio economical rehabilitation.     


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